Table of Contents
You can invite external users to the Collavate of your organization with Remote Drive. Invited users can collaborate with members in your organization. This feature is recommended for granting Collavate access for short-term interns, freelancers, partner companies or clients.
Add external users #
1. Click Admin.
2. Click Remote Drive.
3. Enter users’ email to invite.
4. Click Invite Now.
Note: – Invited users will get an email notification. – Invited users are automatically listed on the user list. You can check the activate or invitation accept status for each user. Important: Invited users will not be automatically activated. To get accepted and start using Collavate, users have to accept the invitation first. Deactivated users and users who didn’t accept their invitation are marked as |
Delete external users #
1. Click Admin.
2. Click Remote Drive.
3. Check on the box next to a username you want to delete.
4. On top of the list, unfold the Activation Status menu, and select Inactive.
Note: – Activation status will be marked as – Deactivated users will no longer be able to sign in to Collavate. – Click Delete to exclude users from the remote drive list. |