Collavate Update 4.3.11 Now Available with Design Enhancements

The Collavate Update 4.3.11 is now accessible with additional design enhancement features that promise to provide a better experience for users.  Within the G Suite improvements are time saving simplifications and email improvements.
Installment Improvement for Collavate Business  
One of the most exciting and useful update is the improvement of the installation of Collavate Business.  In the past, when initially installing G Suite admin, the process was a bit lengthy and a little confusing to some as well when users were prompted to sync G Suite domains and document the manager’s email ID.  
The Collavate Update 4.3.11 offers convenience and simplicity with the improvements to the descriptions and design of the setting screen, making it easier to understand and speedier to implement.  Users will find that installation is now a breeze.    

Significant innovative changes have been made on the Document Manager screen, allowing a specific account to be designated within your company that is able to act as a representative Document Manager account. This feature ensures that the document manager is able to see clean ownership attribution when approval workflow is in progress.  This measure helps to prevent loss of work or unauthorized changes, like deleting document assets..
Collavate can now be synchronized on the G Suite and Collavate Sync Screen, allowing the convenient connection of the users of G Suite and the organization but with an added layer of security because the data and files will not be stored on the server.  In order to accomplish this, a synchronization will occur during the initial installation period.  Automated synchronizations will take place periodically thereafter.
Revision of the Collavate Notification Email Design
The improvement of email and applications include a more consistent design which ultimately provide a more unified experience for all.  Signing up for the initial service and notifying by payment process are other revamps that make the design and feel of the app noticeably better.
The initial Collavate Welcome Email Screen now provides a host of helpful information and terrific tips to help you in gaining more knowledge about the product and is available to assist you in locating what you need.  It is also designed to make sure you get support when you need it.  
The Collavate Update 4.3.11 is evident of the ongoing progressive improvements that are provided to G Suite Users in order to elevate their experience and ensure optimized use for all.