New Release of Collavate Group Posts for Teamwork

Collavate Groups

Collavate is proud to announce the release of Collavate Groups!

Creating a group is a great way to communicate with employees belonging to a department, coordinating with groups for work, or announcing information for an event. Both domain-public and private group pages can be created.

Domain Groups
A domain group allows everyone in the domain to view posts in the group. Group posts can be used to relay information about a company event and be used for any purpose it is needed for. Domain groups can organize groups to be relevant to a topic or event and anything that is posted on the group page will notify users of a post in the domain group. Members can easily click on a particular group to find the information they are looking for.

Private Groups
Private groups will only show posts to the members belonging to the private group. Private groups are ideal for teams and departments. Private groups allows the posts on the group page to only be seen by those in the group, enabling only those that are directly involved in a project or line of work to view information.

Groups are easy to use
The group pages are easy to use. They are similar to the regular Collavate Home page. Groups instead control who the posts can be viewed by. Only members in the group can post to the page and can view the list of members within the group. Members can also see who the admin(s) of the group are.

This new Collavate Group feature enhances the organization of posts and collaborators. Exclusive discussions within teams and departments are made possible with groups.

Enhance your team communication with Collavate Groups!

– The Collavate Team