Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
Manage your policy, investigate processes, and ensure your data is secure with a GSuite and Collavate partnership. Industry leading security enhanced by a class-leading approval and workflow management software allow you to keep track of HIPAA documents and information with ease!

Keep on Task & on Time
Working together is a crucial part of any creative process. At Collavate, we understand that your team might not be in the same room. Our document feed allows commentary on each activity, keeping the conversation going.

All of Your Files in One Spot
Review, gather feedback, revise, resubmit. Each deliverable comes with revisions, so keep editing the same document, and we will track versions, changes, and prior approval with every step.

Top Notch Data Security
Keep track of all of your tasks and approvals with submission and approval templates. Stop searching your org chart and use published workflows, save time with our automation.