Collavate supports a variety of approval workflow methods such as parallel and sequential approval. Moreover, you can also utilize the template feature to approve the form of the document.
This allows the Collavate Admin to create company’s designated template, and then save the template with a predefined flow of approvers.
Until now, the document submitter was able to change the approver within the template. From now on, the submitter won’t be able to modify or delete approvers in the template.
When a Collavate Admin saves a template, documents that should be submitted to the company’s common payer can be locked. This allows the submitter to submit the document for approval without the risk of accidentally deleting or modifying the payer information.
For example, for a purchase note, if the payer is always the same approver, you can save the approver from the purchase document template as the purchasing lead.
Using Collavate is easy! In the Collavate side menu bar, on the right side of the ‘Edit Template Document’ menu, add the assignee you want to set as default approver and check the ‘Lock Approvers for this Template’ option. Then just save the template. All of this is done from one menu, making approvals very easy, and fast!
Users can’t modify the approvers when using this template, and users can only submit documents with a predefined approver. The approver change is only possible to the Collavate Admin. This feature is available in the Collavate Business Plan.