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Collavate 4.5.5 Release Notes

Insert a QR code on the workflow document

When converting the workflow document as a PDF file, the QR code has been added to the cover and footer of the PDF document. You can open the document with a workflow process instantly by just scanning the QR code with a smartphone or tablet.

For more details and benefits of the above functions, refer to this blog article. 

Simplified login page

The login screen has been simplified so that you can use Collavate more conveniently. The default is to log in with a Google account, and Collavate’s own login is divided into ‘Sign in without a Google account’ at the bottom right.

Lastly, There are many enhancements and bug fixes at this Collavate 4.5.5. Upgrade edition.

NEW1. Support Customer service chatbot.
Enhancement+ Added QR code to PDF document.+ Improved the speed at which documents are submitted.+ Added option to transfer owner of entire document when changing document manager. + Added search area guide text to the top search bar.+ Improved the notification count number on notification center.+ Added a notification banner at the top for Collavate announcements.+ Improved the Process menu on the mobile version.+ Improved the success message displayed after submitting the document.+ Improved notification for Domain shared post.
Bug– Resolved auto refresh and ESC keystroke error when writing post comments.-  Fixed the error that the screen moves when closing the popup on the mobile.- Fixed ‘Like’ button error in group post- Fixed time display error in notification center.- Improved notification function when mentioning external users in group posts.- Fixed the error that archiving function of the process document.- Fixed a post due date display error.- Changed the folder where the ledger is created and supplement the permissions.- Fixed reset button in the search box.- Added option for renaming specific attachments that could not be renamed.- Fixed an error that occurred when moving My template connected to ledger to a Shared template.- Fixed an error when editing profile information.- Supplemented to prevent document titles from being duplicated.- Fixed an error that occurred when transferring a Shared template to My template.- Fixed an error when entering the date in the ledger.- Fixed an error when mentioning a user in a Group post.- Fixed display of CC/GroupCC label in PDF.- Other bug fixes.