Share Template Links with others!

Ever need to share a Template form or document on Collavate? Whether you want to share a link to a personal or an already shared domain template internally to a colleague or externally to a client, you can easily do so by copying your template link provided and sending it to others.

Here’s how to share Template links!

Click the [Template] menu tab located on the left side
Here in the template menu, you can choose a template from either your personal [My templates] or [Shared Templates] category to select an existing template to share via link.
Select a Template file to open.

In the popup window, copy the Template link to send to others

Note: To share the link of any personal template, you will need to enable share settings of your private file. Sending any template including domain shared templates to outside users will require changing of the link sharing setting of the file to enable the accessibility to outside recipients. Shared templates do not require change of share settings if you are sending template links internally in your domain. Please further continue in steps 5- to enable the correct share settings.

(Continue with these steps if your Template file needs correct share settings)

In the popup window, click [Edit Template]

In the full screen, click [Open in Google Drive]

Click [Share] in the right corner of your Google file screen

Select [Advanced]

Click [change] to edit the default share settings of your template

Change link sharing to “On- Anyone with link” if you’d like to share your template with outside users or “On- Anyone in domain with link” to share only with users within your domain/organization
Click [Save] to apply changes

Your Personal Templates and organization Shared Templates can now be sent to outside users and/or domain users depending on the link-share setting in step 10. Share some of your favorite templates today!

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Cloud-based Document and Workflow Management

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