Launching a Tag Keyword Search Function

Since the Collavate 3.0 Version Update, with the help of our users we are currently doing our best to bring you improved features focused on convenience.  

We had a lot of feedbacks on improved loading speed, and more streamlined UI focused around document workflow. We cannot thank you enough!

Our latest addition to Collavate is the “Tag Search” function. If you have many tags in your tag library, you can simply search for specific tags in the search bar. Let’s find out how this works.

Collavate Tag Library Screen

1. Click [Tag] in the Main Screen’s left side bar. Tag library is displayed.

2. In the search bar which says [New Tag or Search], type in the tag that you want to search for. If you just want to add a new tag, simply enter the name of the tag and press Enter.

 *  Previously only adding new tags was available.

Tag Input Example:  Finance
3. Click the tag that you searched for. Only the documents with the tag attached are displayed.

4. Now you can edit the documents or start the review process.

With the newly added “Tag Search Function”, utilize the power of Collavate Tags even more efficiently!

Thank you.


Collavate: Collaborative Working, Made Simple
Cloud-based Document and Workflow Management

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