Increased demand for higher production makes it harder for workers to meet the needs of their jobs, as 68% of workers take on extra work each week without pay. Although workers are producing at higher rates than ever before, 52% feel burnout directly from this high demand. Whether remote or in-person, your UX and UI designers are not exempt from this trend.
Wouldn’t it be awesome if workflow automation reduced the extra work burden of getting sign-offs on design initiatives during the design approval process? You would have the opportunity to restore a work-life balance to your design team while maintaining or improving your bottom line.
With workflow-automating tools like Collavate, approving designs is easier. Let’s explore how an automated workflow process can benefit your company.
How Automated Workflow Can Help Streamline the Design Approval Process
Cloud-based workflow automation creates a streamlined design approval process. They use a cloud-based workflow, auto deadlines and fluid approval workflows. So, instead of your design approval process looking like this:
- Create project
- Add deadline
- Create design
- Submit design
- Wait for the approver to access the network
- Wait for the quality check
- Send back for edits
- Resubmit
- Repeat until the design is ready
- Approve design
You can design a simpler workflow. Picture something more akin to the following:
- Create a project with an auto-deadline
- Create design
- Tag design as ready
- Work with the approver in real-time for edits
- Approve design
The primary means of streamlining design approval with automation is real-time collaboration. It cuts back on a lot of time your design team spends waiting.
Plus, your remote team can access projects from their phones with Google Drive integration. No more waiting until you can get to the office for minor QC issues.
Moreover, the automated deadline feature removes the guesswork and doubt from projects. It helps your design team better prioritize their tasks. The result is that a majority of your design projects will get finalized on or before their due dates.
Not only will this help your team, but it will also help your client relationships. You’ll have more satisfied customers by creating an expeditious and proactive design workflow. They’ll be more likely to return to you in the future and refer other clients your way.
The Benefits of Automating Your Workflow for the Design Approval Process
Automating your workflow for the design approval process offers many benefits to your team that help you achieve your bottom line. The first of these benefits is localizing projects via the cloud.
Human Error Reduction
The traditional design process expects workers to use their personal computers and saved files. This means that the only person who has access to that project is the designer.
Therefore, the chances of someone unknowingly duplicating that effort are high. When a team of eager designers knows a tasker is due, they pick it up. If someone else is already completing that task but didn’t inform the team through proper networks (or, let’s face it, no one read the slack message), that creates redundancy.
Workflow automation helps you approve designs quickly by eliminating human error and duplication of effort. Automatic task updates and localized projects on the cloud make redundancy a thing of the past.
Familiar Tool Integrations
Moreover, Collative’s cloud-powered workflow automation provides a space for real-time collaboration. It integrates tools you already use, like Google Suite. So, your design team will have a seamless transition to an automated workflow.
Google docs is a cloud-based word processing program that has both collaborative features like:
- Comment boards
- Chat functions
- Remote desktop support
- Offline access
In addition, it offers a free alternative to Microsoft Suit’s editing features like spelling and grammar checkers, language translation, document comparison, and advanced text formatting options. Integrating workflow automation into Google Drive allows you to use tables, graphs, graphics, and shapes without purchasing Microsoft Suite.
Automated workflow software adds to that functionality by providing custom templates, smart publishing, and automated deadline tools compatible with Google Suite.
Project Security
Automated workflow increases the security of your projects by using Google Docs security and Google Drive security. It bolsters this security by keeping and organizing detailed records and analytics.
Data and Analytics Support
In addition to security and tracking benefits, the analytics provided by Collavate help you improve the efficiency of your design process. It provides data that allows you to note and address trends impacting your project delivery times.
How to Integrate Workflow Automation in the Design Approval Process
Integration begins with choosing workflow software. We recommend finding one that your design team will learn with ease. Collative integrates automated workflow with Google Drive document management to create a seamless transition from the traditional design process to automated.
However, choosing what will work best in your office is up to you. Don’t be afraid to try multiple automated workflow software options before settling on one. Many companies will allow you to test their software during a free trial, Collative included.
Onboard Your Design Team and Connect Google Workspace
After you settle on your chosen workflow design software, integration can begin. You’ll need to start by getting your whole team on the program. As the administrator, you can send invitation emails to your team so they can make accounts.
Once your team has created their accounts with your automation tool, they should connect to your Google workspace. Depending on your operations, they may already be a part of your company’s Google workspace. In that case, you may be able to connect the Google workspace to the workflow software.
Training Your Design Team for Workflow Automation
Once everyone is on board, you can begin training. Most software options will have training built-in, so your employees can learn the lay of the land during their first log-in. But, if you need extra support, you can chat with the software company’s customer care team.
You can expect a learning curve when you integrate this type of software. There may even be a dip in production as everyone finds their footing. But in no time, you’ll be producing at higher rates and faster than ever before.
Importance of Workflow Automation Software Security
Different automation software offers varying levels of security. Some protect your projects, while others don’t. You should always ensure you’re using the best protection for your work to avoid hacking any of your projects.
The level of security offered by different automation software will vary, so it is vital to research which one offers what protection. Some things you should look for when choosing a workflow automation system are:
- Password protected files
- Two-factor authentication
- Backup data
- File encryption options
- Digital signatures
- CAPTCHA protection
Remember that these features are specific to the workflow automation software. If you’re using Google, you’ll have Google Drive security alongside these features. Google Drive security has file encryption on and offline, plus spam, phishing, and malware protection across your Google account.
Choosing Secure Workflow Automation Tools
Throughout the design approval process, there are many instances where your document may be vulnerable to a security breach. Whether that means hacking or data loss, you should arm yourself with the most secure workflow software. That way, you reduce your overall risk of security breaches while softening the impact if they do occur.
If you want the most secure workflow automation software, put each potential company under scrutiny. Ask questions like:
- Do they offer all the features I want?
- Have other companies using this software reported security breaches?
- Does the company follow the HIPPAA privacy rules?
- What does the company’s disaster mitigation program cover?
As you compare the security of different software providers, consider how many meet these standards. Few compare to Collavate’s extensive security efforts and ongoing support.
Is Workflow Automation Worth It?
Yes, workflow automation is worth it from a financial perspective. You can expect a positive ROI after implementing workflow automation in the design approval process. After a few months of using workflow automation, you’ll see savings in the following areas:
Increased Production
Workflow automation helps your team approve designs quickly. The faster you can complete these tasks, the faster you can move on to other projects. The increased speed allows you to take on more projects in less time, leading to higher production rates each quarter.
Steady Stream of New Business
You can take on more clients than before without hiring extra hands. By diversifying your design portfolio, you can reach more industries than before. That means you’ll always have work from various clients, so you don’t experience any lulls in production.
Decreased Losses
The increased security of your workflow will help decrease losses. You no longer have to make up the financial difference over lost or leaked projects. Moreover, with detailed records, you’ll be able to identify and rectify security breaches to prevent them in the future.
Start Your Collavate Free Trial Today
You’ll have many options as you transition your design approval process using automated workflow software. But when it comes to functionality, security, and ease of use, none compare to Collative.
Every benefit covered in this article is available through Collative’s state-of-the-art workflow automation software. The best part is we let you try our product for free. Visit our website today to start your free trial.