New Features: Workflow Deadlines and Post Search

Workflow Deadlines:

Staying on schedule is important for meeting productivity goals. Now when a user submits a workflow to reviewers, a workflow deadline can be set to gauge when the document will be finalized and ready.
Assign a global deadline for your workflow or even assign individual deadlines for each workflow reviewer. Automatic reminders can also be set to notify reviewers when their deadline is approaching. This new feature helps to better manage workflow productivity in a timely manner.

With our new deadline feature you can:
  • Set workflow deadlines for all reviewers;
  • Or set individual deadlines for each reviewer;
  • Set reminders hours and/or days prior to the deadline;
  • Skip a reviewer if a deadline is met with no action; or
  • Cancel a workflow process if a deadline is met with no action.

How to Set Deadlines:

Global Deadlines

A global deadline sets the same deadline for all reviewers in the workflow.
To set a global workflow deadline, locate where it says “No Deadline Set for this process. Not Setup”

① Click Not Setup above the reviewers.
② Select a deadline date on the calendar
③ Choose the time
④ Select auto-action to take place if a deadline is passed without reviewer action.
⑤ Click “Save”

Setting Reminders

Select the Schedule Reminder(s) checkbox to set Reminders to Workflow reviewers to notify them of their deadline. Multiple reminders can be set hour(s) and/or day(s) before the workflow deadline.

Setting Individual Reviewer Deadlines

Individual deadlines for each reviewer can also be set by clicking Deadline: Not Setup

The deadline feature is designed to give workflows a structured timeframe to boost productivity and stay on schedule. Now users can prioritize their work accordingly and be able to know which workflows are the most urgent. Reminders help reviewers stay on top of deadlines and get the job done.

Post Search:

Searching for posts is now quick and easy with the new search bar on the Home page. Enter in keywords or a phrase to sort and highlight posts containing the entered keywords/phrase.

The search feature saves time and facilitates navigation through your activity feed by taking you directly to the desired posts.

Enjoy these new features!

-Collavate Team