
Why Automating your Google Drive Workflow is Benefinicial for Publishing

Automating your workflow has many benefits and in many cases, is profitable. Here are the several benefits of automating your workflow process: Consistency Organization Delegation of tasks Effective communication Easy collaboration Accountability Increased productivity Emplaced schedule Satisfaction of finalized publishings With all that is mentioned above, Collavate greatly reduces the time you spend on redundant

Why Automating your Google Drive Workflow is Benefinicial for Publishing Read More »

New Features Release: Add reviewers and files during workflow, and share approval histories

We know how important it is to have the ability to modify documents and workflows while a document is undergoing the approval process. For instance, your current approval reviewers may require additional teammates to review the files or even require additional attachment files. Another vital feature is presenting workflow histories and having track records of

New Features Release: Add reviewers and files during workflow, and share approval histories Read More »