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Collavate 5.2.0 Release Notes

New Features #

Added feature to include company seal or CEO signature image in official documents #

  • Template managers/administrators can now use the “Official Document” option. Templates with the “Official Document” option activated will have the “Signatory” option enabled, allowing template users to select the signatory and seal to display via a dropdown menu.
  • Once an electronic document with the “Official Document” option enabled is approved, the signatory’s name and seal image will be displayed on the printed PDF. The signatory’s name and seal image can be registered, modified, or deleted from the admin menu.

Added document security level and retention period features #

  • Approval documents that are submitted via template can now be assigned a document security level and retention period. Document security levels are categorized into confidential, restricted, and general. Administrators can activate this feature and set a default level for documents under Admin > Process > Document security information.

Added new template manager role and template approval feature #

  • Before version 5.2.0, the creation and editing of domain-shared templates were limited to admin accounts. However, with the introduction of the Template Manager role in version 5.2.0, work roles can now be distributed more effectively.
  • Collavate introduces a new user role, “Template Manager.” Template Managers are able to request additions, modifications of templates shared within the organization’s domain, allowing for more efficient management of domain-shared templates. Administrators can review requests from Template Managers and immediately implement changes.

Enhancements #

Added template numbering rule feature #

  • Previously, the numbering rules set in the Collavate admin’s document number policy menu were uniformly applied even when using template documents, making it difficult to distinguish documents when using each domain-shared template. Now, when creating templates using Google Sheets, you can manually set a prefix that applies only to the specific template from the template document number policy menu on the left. You can also automatically assign numbering to the document title by selecting a specific cell and using the information entered in that cell.

Improvement on document validation report and usability #

  • The document validation results screen has been changed to display files with issues first.
  • Improvements have been made to allow previewing document results in Admin > Document validation list.
  • The UI and content of the result notification email sent after performing document validation have been made more useful.

Added function for modifying approval information of cooperation #

  • An option has been added to the admin menu to set the timing for modifying approval information of cooperation and which users (submitter of the cooperation, approver of cooperation) can make modifications. When this feature is activated, it will be possible to change the approver information of cooperation according to the settings.

New Settings Added to Collaborate Administrator Settings #

User Management #

  • The UI design of the User Management > Modify User Information menu in the administrator settings has been improved.
  • A new User Visibility Settings menu has been added to the administrator settings. This menu allows administrators to disable user profiles, making them only manageable by administrators, or enable them and control which items appear to general users.

Electronic Approval #

  • Collavate administrators can now set the “Start Process” button to not appear under the User Visibility Controls > Process menu. This is useful for companies that require approvals to proceed only through company official forms, preventing general users from submitting personal documents.
  • An option has been added to Admin > Process > Reprocess. Collavate administrators can now limit users to use either one of original or duplicate documents when members reprocess.
  • Settings related to modifying the approvers of reprocess have been added to Admin > Process > Cooperation. Based on the administrator’s settings, the approvers and submitters of cooperation can now add or delete participants in the collaboration.
  • When disabling the Approval Deadline feature under Admin > Process, Collavate administrators can choose to either retain or delete previously set approval deadline information.

Template #

  • Collavate administrators can disable the “My Templates” menu under Admin > Template. This limits users from creating and using personal templates if only company official templates are to be used for electronic approvals.
  • The “Sample Templates (formerly, Public Templates)” menu under Admin > Template can be disabled by Collavate administrators. Administrators of organizations that do not need the free sample templates available in the public template menu should disable this feature.

More #

  • A “Preview not available?” button has been added to the approval popup.
  • The UI has been improved so that the names of the mentioned individuals in Collavate Google Chat add-on notifications are clearly displayed.
  • The naming convention for Collavate subscription plans has been changed from “Edition” to “Plan”.
  • A notice about the image size limit has been added for uploading profile and signature images in Personal Settings.
  • (EN, JP) The menu name for changing the background under Profile Settings > Theme has been correctly updated.
  • (JP) The translation for email notifications in Profile Settings > Notification Settings has been changed to 電子メール.
  • (EN) The English name for Group CC has been changed to Cooperation.

Resolved Issues #

Collavate Team Plan #

  • New subscribers to the Collavate Team Plan can now enjoy three free licenses for one month.
  • The UI for team invitation email notifications has been improved.
  • Fixed an issue where changes in administrator settings did not apply in real-time to logged-in users.
  • Resolved an issue where the current team list was not displayed correctly when clicking the add member button in the Post menu.
  • Fixed a problem where information set in Google appears when changing personal profile settings after signing up with a Google account.
  • Fixed an issue where the entire process was rejected when the last parallel approver rejected during parallel approval.
  • Fixed an issue to ensure that specific features provided with each plan are correctly displayed.
  • Resolved an error occurring when some Collavate Team Plan and Business Plan users attempted to switch to a different plan.

Approval #

  • Fixed an issue where items entered for cooperation and CC in approval documents could be modified after the administrator disabled the Cooperation and CC feature.
  • Resolved a problem where users mentioned in approval posts were automatically reverted to “View” permission even if they were granted “Edit” permission for the document.

Collavate mobile #

  • Resolved an issue where the announcement banner in mobile web obscured the display area of the screen.
  • Corrected mislabeling of the “Reprocess” and “Publishing” menus in the mobile web.
  • Fixed a problem on mobile web where the delete button was not visible for post attachments with long filenames.
  • Addressed an issue where personal signature settings were not being reset in the mobile web.