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Collavate 5.3.4 Release Notes

Enhancements #

Collavate AI #

  • Improved the clarity of the notification message displayed when a summary for Google Docs cannot be generated due to user settings.

Templates #

  • Enhanced the functionality so that after selecting multiple templates, you can perform a bulk update of the selected template category.

More #

  • Even general members in an organization without Google admin privileges can now experience Collavate when subscribing to the Collavate Business Plan via the Google Workspace Add-on.
  • Added a feature to copy the email address on the user profile card.
  • Set the reset time for the limit on PDF conversions to UTC+00:00.

Resolved Issues #

Approval #

  • Fixed an issue where re-submitting using the original document in the electronic approval pop-up window caused an infinite loading screen.
  • Fixed an issue where previews of certain reference files were not displayed in the electronic approval pop-up.
  • Fixed an issue where the TAG menu was displayed twice when opening the Activity History tab in the electronic approval edit screen.
  • Fixed an issue where, if a department approver assigned an approver in the edit screen, a user already designated by another department would not be displayed.
  • Fixed an issue in the electronic approval pop-up where reference files would not open in a new tab.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the system to freeze when selecting a column in a large spreadsheet.
  • Fixed an issue allowing the same user to be set multiple times as a department approver.
  • Fixed an issue where a PDF sent in the classic layout was displayed incorrectly in the email.
  • Fixed an issue where, when adding attached or reference files using the “Add File” button in the electronic approval pop-up, the list would not load properly.

Posts #

  • Fixed an issue where only group emails were suggested when mentioning (@) users in domain-shared posts.
  • Fixed an issue where the pinned order of electronic approval posts changed after refreshing the page.
  • Fixed an issue where approved or rejected electronic approval posts remained in the Drafts tab even after all drafts were deleted.

Templates #

  • Fixed an issue where attached files could not be deleted from the template file list.

More #

  • Fixed an issue where the “Request Demo” button intended for new subscribers was displayed to existing domain users.

Deprecations #

  • The Print (beta) feature in the user profile menu has been discontinued.