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Set a Document Manager

Document manager account is an account that possesses the ownership of processed/processing documents. All documents and files will be copied and saved to Google Drive or document manager upon starting a process. With a document manager account, you can centralize and manage all of your workflow documents and files.

Set document manager #

1. Click Admin.
2. Click Domain Settings.
3. Input account to use as Document manager.
4. Click Save Settings.

Important: It is recommended to use a separate account to designate a document manager. If you use the same account for document manager and administrator, archived documents can be deleted or modified unwantedly.

Change document manager #

1. Click Admin.
2. Click Domain Settings.
3. Input account to change.
4. Check on Change owner of existing files.

Note: The check option only appears when you enter a different email address.

5. Click Save Settings.

Important: You have to fully understand the ownership of the document manager before you change and save settings.
If you don’t change ownership of existing files:
Ownership of existing files will not be changed and remain in the previous document manager. New files will be saved in the new document manager account. 
If you change ownership of existing files:
Ownership of existing files will be transferred to a new document manager account. It might take several hours to change document management, depending on the amount of files.