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Approve or Reject on a process

If you are designated as reviewer, you can decide to approve or reject the process.

Note: The status of process can be checked in real time on the user’s Home. You can also process your document by clicking the approval/reject button on the post. 

Approve/Reject a process #

1. Click Review on a process to review.
2. If needed, click Edit to edit the document.
3. If needed, leave a comment in Approval tab on the right.
4. Click Approve or Reject.

Review: Review the document before you approve/reject or leave a comment.
Approve: If there’s no error or modification needed, click Approve to continue.
Reject: If there’s an error of modification needed, click Reject.

Approve or Reject directly from email #

You can review, approve or reject process(es) from email. When a user submits a process, the first reviewer on the list will get a notification email, where you can review the document in Google Drive console or Approve or Reject by simply clicking the button in email contents.