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Manage a Domain Shared Template

Manage your Shared Templates #

Collavate administrators can manage shared templates using following features:

  • Change Category: You can change the template category. Check on the box next to the template title and click Change Category. To create document category, go to AdminDocs CategoryCreate.
  • Make a copy: You can copy a domain shared template to My Templates. All of the template contents and approval list will also be copied.
  • Edit: Edit reviewer and the contents of selected template. 
  • Delete: Delete selected template
  • New Template: Create new domain shared template.

Note: Only Collavate administrators can create, edit or delete Domain Shared Templates.

Add reviewer to your Shared Templates  #

Collavate administrators can add the basic reviewer or CC of a template.

1. Click Template.
2. Click Domain Shared TemplatesNew Template.
3. Add reviewer(s) that template users will basically use.
4. Check options below:

  • Add to Favorites: Add to Favorites option allows you to save the listed reviewer as your favorite process line. Later on, you can quickly add reviewer(s) by selecting Favorites.
  • Maintain initial access privileges of reviewers and myself: You can edit the process after submitting.
  • Lock Approvers for this Template: Users will no longer be able to change approver.

You can automatically record template sheet responses by connecting a process document to a report sheet. For more information, please refer to: Connect Template to a Ledger.