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Create a Private Template

1. Click Template.
2. Click My Templates.
3. Click New Template.
4. Choose an option you want to use to add a template.

Note: If your organization already have template document, you can upload existing template with Upload or From Google Drive 

5. Enter template contents and add reviewer(s), fille tag(s) and more.
6. Click Create Template.

Note: You can also save templates with an empty reviewer. In this case, when domain users or you use the template, they have to manually add a reviewer each time.


  • You can also save templates while writing a process document. Click Save contents to template on the right menu.
  • Domain users can only create My Templates.
  • Only Collavate administrators can create Domain Shared Templates.
  • You can use our ledger feature to automatically add records in submitted documents using existing templates. To learn more about this feature, refer to: Connect Template to a Ledger.