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Collavate Process Menu

You can check all processing workflow by document states in the Process menu.

File Filters by
Item Description
All Processed DocsList of all processed documents that is related to user
DraftDocument drafts
CC’ed DocsList of documents that has been CC’d with user
Shared with meList of documents that has been shared with user
PublishedList of documents that has been published or currently 
ReprocessedList of documents that have been reprocessed.
Received Docs
To be reviewedList of documents that user has to review
In-progressList of documents that is in-progress
ApprovedList of documents that have been approved by user
RejectedList of documents that have been rejected by user
Sent Docs
SubmittedList of documents that user has submitted
ApprovedList of user-submitted documents that have been approved
RejectedList of user-submitted documents that have been rejected