In Collavate, you can save various templates in your organization as a Domain Shared Template. For example, your Collavate administrator can create an expense report form and save as a Domain Shared Template for domain users.
Note: Domain Shared template feature is only available on Collavate business edition. If you are using the Collavate business edition, ask your domain administrator to create a Domain Shared Template.
1. Click Template.
2. Click Domain Shared Templates.
3. Click New Template.
4. Choose an option you want to use to add a template.
Note: If your organization already has a template document, you can upload an existing template with Upload or From Google Drive.
5. Enter template contents and add reviewer(s), fille tag(s) and more.
6. Click Create Template.
If you successfully created a domain shared template, your domain users can see and use templates from Template
Domain Shared Templates.