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Export the content and approval history of a document as a single PDF

One of the main reasons for adopting an electronic approval system is the efficient management of cost-related tasks. Using Collaborate, you can systematize the tracking process before and after the approval of important documents to prevent unauthorized changes and clarify responsibilities. For instance, you can regularly submit transaction documents such as invoices related to sales or imports, tax invoices, and purchase orders through Collaborate. Once the approval process for the submitted invoices is complete, the responsible individual can save or print the approved document’s content, including the approval date and time and approver information, as a PDF. The saved PDF file can be used for review and decision-making by supervisors or responsible parties and can serve as evidence for audits.

In this way, by utilizing Collavate’s electronic approval output function, you can simplify the approval of quarterly activity reports and foster a data-driven decision-making culture, thereby enhancing the transparency and accountability of work.

Export a Process as a PDF #

Note: You can also print ongoing approvals. If there are users in the approval queue who have not yet completed their approval, their electronic approval history will be marked as ‘In Progress’.
  1. From the Process menu, choose a process to export.
  2. In the right side of the process pop-up, click on the More menu at the button of the Process tab.
  3. See the below Print Options to choose the right options for your situation:
    • Print (PDF Download): Export the approval history, approval URL, main approval file, and attached files to a PDF. Includes the URL of the Approval on Collavate and the URL of the approved file within Google Drive.
    • Print (Classic): Put the approval history and the main file only into a PDF.
    • Print with Attached Files (Classic): Export the approval history, main approval file, and attached files to a PDF. Does not include the URLs for the Collavate approval or the file within Google Drive.
  4. Read and agree to the policy regarding PDF conversion.
  5. After a moment, the PDF-converted document will open in a new tab.

Print Options #

Option NameInformation included upon printing
Print (PDF Download)• Approval history
• Collavate Approval URL
• Approved file URL
• Main approval file
• Attached files
• QR code linking to approval (bottom of file)
Print (Classic)• Approval history
• Main approval file
• QR code linking to the approval (bottom of document)
Print with Attached Files (Classic)• Approval history
• Main approval file
• Attached files
• QR code linking to the approval (bottom of document)