For important approval documents, it’s essential to have the confirmation of senior managers or the department within the organization. In such cases, using Collavate’s approval line design options can allow for more effective management of the approval process.
Use the template approver locking feature #
For certain approval documents, it is necessary to have approval from managers. For example, when submitting an expense report, it may be required to have approval from a finance manager before the final approval stage. By utilizing the template approval line locking feature, administrators can pre-specify approvers that must be included at certain stages when creating a domain-shared template. This ensures that general users cannot modify these specified approvers when using the template.
To lock approvers at specific stages in a template, follow these instructions:
- From the menu list, click
- Navigate to My Templates or Domain Shared Templates menu.
- Create a new template or go to the existing template modification screen.
- Click on the Process tab on the right, then enter the desired approvers in the approval line.
- Hover over the area where the approvers are entered, and then click on the lock icon that appears next to their name.
Locking the approvers ensures that general users cannot make changes, preventing any unauthorized modifications in advance.
Create a flexible approval line design #
Previously it was somewhat difficult to add approvers at the desired stage by clicking the + button next to the approver’s name to add more approvers. With the flexible approval line design, the updated approval line feature now allows for more convenient addition of users at the desired stage.
To add sequential and parallel approvers between pre-set approvers, follow these instructions:
- From the menu list, click Process or
- Select the electronic approval or template for which you wish to modify approver information.
- Click on the Process tab on the right, then select the + button next to the approver where you want to add another.
- From the dropdown list, choose the type of approver you wish to add.
Now, you can directly add approvers at the desired stages and freely design the approval line