About document ownerships

Team Plan #

All ownership of files submitted for approval shall be retained by the author who submitted them. The ownership of submitted documents is not automatically transferred to a separate administrative account. In Team Plan, the team administrator will have editor privileges for all files in the team.

* It may be necessary to back up and transfer documents owned by a user when a team member leaves.

Business Plan #

All ownership of files submitted in the Business Plan is automatically transferred to the Document Manager (DM) account. In Business Plan, a document manager can manage all submitted documents. Normal users who submit and review approvals can edit or view according to their access level granted by the submitter. 

The change of ownership at each stage of the approval #

In-draftUnder reviewApproved
Team PlanSubmitterSubmitterSubmitter
Business PlanSubmitterDocument managerDocument manager
Note: By default, all approval reviewers have only commenter and viewer access for Collavate approval documents after they  have been approved and lose the ability to further modify the documents. If you wish to retain the existing access to participants in the approval process even after the approval process is terminated, click on the Maintain initial access privileges of reviewers and myself option.