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Receive process notifications through Google Chat

If you are using Google Chat, installing the Collavate chatbot allows you to receive Collavate notifications through Google Chat. All notifications are sent in real-time, and they help you to track the progress of electronic approvals you are participating in real-time and conveniently approve them.

Enable Collavate’s Chat bot for Google Chat #

Step 1: Enable Google Chat #

If Google Chat is not displayed in the Gmail of your current organization or personal account, you must first enable Chat in Gmail settings.

To activate Google Chat in your Gmail, please follow these instructions.

  1. Click on the Settings button at the top of your Gmail screen.
  2. Go to the Chat and Meet tab.
  3. Switch your Chat setting from Off to Google Chat.
  4. Click on Save Changes.

Note: If Google Chat is disabled in your organization, please contact your Google Workspace administrator regarding the activation of Google Chat.

Step 2: Install the Collavate Google Chat bot #

If you are already using Google Chat or are ready to use it, you need to install the Collavate chatbot in Google Chat.

To install the Collavate chatbot in your Google Chat, please follow these instructions.

  1. Login to Gmail.
  2. Go to the Chat menu.
  3. Under New ChatFind apps, search for Collavate.
  4. Choose Collavate Chat bot from the search results.
  5. Click Install.
  6. Click Continue to finish your installation.

Once the installation is complete, you will receive a message from the Collavate chatbot confirming that you successfully linked your account.

Set up Collavate notifications #

To choose messages to receive through the Collavate chatbot, app, and email, please follow these instructions.

  1. Click your Profile icon in the upper-right hand corner.
  2. Click on the My Account button.
  3. Go to the Notifications menu.
  4. Set your notification preferences for each item.
  • Notification: Receive a notification through both the Collavate app and chatbot
  • Email: Receive a notification through the email address linked to your Collavate account.
  • None: Don’t receive a notification for this item.

Check messages in Google Chat #

Once you’ve chosen all your settings, you will receive Collavate notifications according to your notification preferences. You can check the contents of sent notifications from the notification message field of the sent notification, and you can see a brief summary of the approval information at the bottom.

Chatbot message contents #

Notification messageShows details of the notification message
TitleShows name of the main file in the process
StatusShows current status of the approval process
SubmitterShows the name of the person who submitted the process
Submit dateShows the date the process was submitted(Date format displays according to your Collavate settings)
ReviewOpens the process in Collavate in a new tab
Approve/Reject(Agree/Disagree)You can click the Approve/Reject buttons to approve or reject the process on the spot.