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FAQ: Domain Users

This document covers general questions about Collavates

Q. What is Collavate?

Q. What is Collavate?

A. Collavate is a web-based document approval and management solution that works 100% with Google Drive. It is a Google Workspace(formerly G-Suite)-based solution that provides document approval process, document centralization, tags, and team collaboration as key features, and even prevents security incidents such as accidental loss of documents by employees. Compatible with all devices, including PCs, iMacs, and smartphones, you can write documents with multiple people anytime, anywhere, and conduct document approval processes to help you make quick decisions.

Q. I want to start using Collavate. Is Google Workspace necessary?

Q. I want to start using Collavate. Is Google Workspace necessary?

A. Collavate offers different editions for each user group. Read following descriptions:

  • Individual Users: You can use Collavate with your Gmail account, but administrator feature is disabled for this edition. No Google Workspace account is needed.
  • Team/Enterprise Edition: To fully utilize Collavate, you have to prepare your Google Workspace account. You can use administrator settings from the team edition which has organization friendly features including domain shared tags, templates and more. Collavate also provides document templates based on Google Drive’s document tools, allowing you to manage access permissions at the same time you upload documents/files to Google Drive.

Collavate is available for every plan for Google Workspace(former G-suite).

Q. I want to subscribe to Google Workspace for Collavate business edition.

Q. I want to subscribe to Google Workspace for Collavate business edition.

A. Google Workspace (G-suite) can be purchased with Collavate Business Edition through our partner company, Netkiller.

To leave a purchase inquiry, go to following link: Contact Netkiller

Q. How can I log-in to Collavate?

Q. How can I log-in to Collavate?

A. After signing up for Collavate, go to to log-in and start using our service.

If you are using business edition, and your Google Workspace Administrator installed Collavate for your domain, you can also start collavate at Google console.

On top right, click Google AppsCollavate to login.

Q. I want to delete Collavate.

Q. I want to delete Collavate.


  • Collavate Single Edition Users: Log in to your Collavate account. Click profile imageMy Account. Click Terms and Conditions, then click delete account. After deleting your Collavate account, go to Google and remove your Collavate access. To learn more about managing your third-party apps, refer to Google help guide
  • Collavate Team/Business/Enterprise Edition Users: Only Google Workspace administrator(s) can delete Collavate for the entire domain in the admin console. For more information, refer to Google help guide. In order to delete your user data, please contact Collavate Support.

Q. I’m using Collavate paid plans. I have to submit a document to an external user, can external users review and approve approval documents without purchasing a license?

Q. I’m using Collavate paid plans. I have to submit a document to an external user, can external users review and approve approval documents without purchasing a license?

A. Yes. If you are using Collavate Team/Business edition, you can submit document approval to external users. External reviewers can review submitted documents via email, without login or license purchase.

Q. How can I start a process in Collavate?

Q. How can I start a process in Collavate?

A. In process menu, you can upload files from your PC or Google Drive Start Process button. You can also start process using an existing template. Learn more│Start approval process

Q. Can a reviewer also add another reviewer or files for an ongoing process?

Q. Can a reviewer also add another reviewer or files for an ongoing process? 

A. Yes. For efficiency, Collavate provides the function to add approvers or files while approval processing.

Q. What should I do when my process is rejected by reviewer(s).

Q. What should I do when my process is rejected by reviewer(s).

A. Any document can’t be perfect at the first time. Some might need multiple edits to be approved. You can conveniently reprocess your rejected documents and files by clicking reprocess in Collavate.  After you reprocess your documents, the review process will start over with edited documents. Learn more│Reprocess a rejected document

Q. Starting an approval process, I added two different people to review in the same layer. The document was 'approved' when one of the two agreed and the other disagreed. What is the reason?

Q. Starting an approval process, I added two different people to review in the same layer. The document was ‘approved’ when one of the two agreed and the other disagreed. What is the reason?

A. In Collavate, you can add reviewer either in the same approval layer or in another approval layer. Collavate administrators can choose how to continue process when two or more approver is designated in the same layer. You can set to obtain approval from all of them to move on to the next approval layer, or you can set it up to move on with just one approval. To change this settings, ask your Collavate administrator. Learn more│Administrator settings for approval process

Q. I want to approve/reject the document. Do I have to purchase Collavate business plan?

Q. I’m user from external domain and want to approve/reject the document. Do I have to purchase Collavate business plan?

A. No. If you are just simply using approve/reject feature, you can simply ask Collavate administrator to register you as a remote drive user.

Important: If you want to start a prcess from Collavate, or submit process to domain users, you have to purchase Collavate license.

Q. How can I search for file tags?

Q. How can I search for file tags?

A. Tags you add in Collavate are only available on Google Drive and Collavate.

  • Collavate: Go to Drive ManagerTags to search tags.
  • Google Drive: In the search box, enter ctag:tagname to search.

Q. Can I still be able to login to Collavate when I change my Google Workspace account?

Q. Can I still be able to login to Collavate when I change my Google Workspace account?

A. Yes, even if you change the email address of your Google Workspace account, you can still use your existing Collavate. However, before using Collavate as the email address of the changed account, Collavate data has to be synced in advance. Before you use it, ask the Collavate Administrator to sync your Google Workspace domain in admin settings.

Collavate synchronization can only be performed with an administrator account. Synchronization procedures can be found in the following document: Sync Collavate with google workspace domain.

Note: Existing or pending documents will be displayed in prior email addresses.

Q. When first logging in to Collavate, a message appears asking to allow access to Google services. Is there any security issue when I allow access?

Q. When first logging in to Collavate, a message appears asking to allow access to Google services. Is there any security issue when I allow access?

A. Collavate works closely with Google Drive. In order to use every feature in Collavate, you have to first sync your Collavate account to Google. To use Google services, you should allow access for Google accounts, Google Drive and Google Docs. Collavate only handles your data to provide service, and never saves data including your personal information and documents. To learn more about Collavate security policy, refer to Collavate Security Policy.

Q. Is there any promotion for nonprofits or educational organizations?

Q. Is there any promotion for nonprofits or educational organizations?

A. Yes, Collavate offers a promotion for nonprofits and educational organizations.

To learn more about this promotion, please contact Collavate Sales team.

Q. Where are the Collavate files saved?

Q. Where are the Collavate files saved?

A. All files you have created on Collavate are saved on Google Drive safely. Collavate doesn’t have any information except your Google Workspace organization chart.