Search files and posts

Table of Contents

You can search files by simply entering keywords in the search box. The search keyword will be highlighted on the results.

1. Go to the menu you want to search files.
2. Type a word or phrase in the search box.
3. Click or Press Enter on your keyboard.

Note: Searched results will be sorted in descending order from the most recent post. 

Searching files with similar words in Google Drive can be inconvenient. In this case, you can use advanced search in Collavate to locate your files more quickly.

1. Click Drive manager.
2. Click arrow next to .
3. Fill out specific information.
4. Click Search or Press Enter on your keyboard.

Note: Advanced Search filters
Title, content has the words: Enter keywords for the document you want to find.
Owner: Enter the name or email address of the file owner.
Owned by me, shared with: Enter names or email addresses I have shared file(s) with.
Submitted by: Enter names or email addresses of approval process submitter.
Submitted for review on: Enter date of approval process submit
Process status: Choose the process status(Review/Draft/Approved/Rejected)